Sunday, February 20, 2011


Spring clean your art - it's just one more thing to add to my "honey do" list after a very long winter. It's enough that the garden needs a few plants replaced, the driveway should be pressure washed, windows need to be cleaned, and we really should have a fresh coat of paint on the sun faded walls and that's just the outside. Inside, furniture gets rearranged, closets are cleaned (I am not throwing away my favorite shirt, no matter how worn it is)and insulating drapes are removed so that only sheers or blinds remain.

So how does art get added to the list? Well, you realize that you have been looking at the same paintings in the same places for so long they no longer register. You walk through the hallway, the kitchen, bedroom and don't get that feeling of happiness or sense of discovery you had when you first hung that piece of art. They have become a fixture, not a pleasure.

So, how do you "spring clean" art? There are some quick and inexpensive ways to accomplish this (and way more fun than pressure washing...)
* Have the frame changed or painted
* Move your art to a new location, maybe a piece from the family room to a bedroom
* Change the grouping of hanging pieces (next week's blog post will show you how to group artwork differently)
* Place a small piece on a table top easel
* Add a light above the frame (there are great battery operated lights you can use)
* Frame a print that you found in the closet

I'm finishing up my "honey do" list, the windows always take me the longest.
Enjoy Spring!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very creative and insightful.