Monday, October 5, 2009

Melbourne Art Show

Thanks to all who visited me and commented on my art this weekend. I was very excited to display my two new pieces of work, "Going Surfing" and "Vintage Shelly". The "Going Surfing" piece, also referred to as the animals in the "Woody" was a show hit.
I apologize for not having prints available at the Melbourne show, but will have them before the end of October. Also available at that time will be "Vintage Shelly", the girl turtle with the surfboard, and the camel .
For all of you who were kind enough to leave your email,or expressed an interest in prints of my art work there will be no shipping charge when you place your order.
Look under art show schedule for my upcoming shows. Thanks!!

The judges for the Melbourne Main Street Masters of Art honored me with an Award of Merit for "Jelani", my gorilla piece. Thank you for the recognition.

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